Initiating Human-Robot Interactions Using Incremental Speech Adaptation


Abstract: In this paper, we present a study in which a robot initiates interactions with people passing by in an in-the-wild scenario. The robot adapts the loudness of its voice dynamically to the distance of the respective person approached, thus indicating who it is talking to. It furthermore tracks people based on information on body orientation and eye gaze and adapts the text produced based on people’s distance autonomously. Our study shows that the adaptation of the loudness of its voice is perceived as personalization by the participants and that the likelihood that they stop by and interact with the robot increases when the robot incrementally adjusts its behavior.

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Recommended citation: Fischer, K., Naik, L., Langedijk, R. M., Baumann, T., Jelínek, M., & Palinko, O. (2021, March). Initiating Human-Robot Interactions Using Incremental Speech Adaptation. In Companion of the 2021 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (pp. 421-425).